Ketamine therapy is a form of treatment that involves the use of a dissociative anesthetic drug called ketamine. This drug has been used for decades in hospitals and clinics as an anesthetic, but in recent years, researchers have discovered its potential for treating mental health conditions.

Ketamine works by blocking a receptor in the brain called the NMDA receptor, which can lead to an increase in certain neurotransmitters, such as glutamate. This increase in neurotransmitters is thought to help improve communication between brain cells and improve mood and other symptoms associated with mental health conditions.

At Emerge Ketamine, we offer ketamine therapy in the form of an intravenous (IV) infusion. During the infusion, the patient is closely monitored by a medical professional to ensure their safety and comfort. The infusion typically lasts between 45 minutes to an hour, and patients may feel some mild dissociative effects during the treatment. However, the effects typically wear off shortly after the infusion is complete.

So, what qualifies a patient for ketamine therapy? While each patient’s situation is unique, there are several general criteria that may indicate a patient is a good candidate for treatment.

First and foremost, a patient must have a diagnosed mental health condition that has not responded to traditional treatments. This can include depression, anxiety, PTSD, or OCD, among others. Ketamine therapy may also be effective for individuals who have experienced treatment-resistant chronic pain conditions.

Additionally, a patient should be in relatively good physical health to undergo a ketamine infusion. While the treatment is generally safe, there are some risks associated with ketamine use, such as an increase in blood pressure or heart rate. Patients with a history of certain medical conditions, such as uncontrolled high blood pressure or a history of heart disease, may not be good candidates for ketamine therapy.

A patient’s mental state is also important to consider when determining if they are a good candidate for ketamine therapy. Patients who are currently experiencing severe suicidal ideation or other severe mental health symptoms may not be good candidates for treatment. However, patients who are stable enough to undergo the treatment may find significant relief from their symptoms.

At Emerge Ketamine, we take a comprehensive approach to evaluating patients for ketamine therapy. Before beginning treatment, patients undergo a thorough medical and mental health evaluation to determine if they are a good candidate for the treatment. We also work closely with our patients’ other healthcare providers to ensure they are receiving the best possible care.

In addition to evaluating patients for treatment, we also provide ongoing support throughout the ketamine therapy process. Our team of medical professionals and mental health experts work closely with patients to help them manage any side effects or concerns they may have during treatment. We also provide follow-up care to ensure patients are experiencing the maximum benefit from their treatment.

In conclusion, ketamine therapy has the potential to be a life-changing treatment for many individuals who have not found relief from traditional treatments for mental health conditions. However, it is important for patients to be evaluated thoroughly before beginning treatment to ensure they are a good candidate for the treatment. If you think you or a loved one may be a good candidate for ketamine therapy, we encourage you to reach out to Emerge Ketamine to learn more about our treatment options and approach to care.